Five Categories of TeaCHE
Step one of the Teaching Capstone in Higher Education is to enroll in the program with an Intent to Participate form (emailed to After that, you are ready to proceed through the categories. You also might find it helpful to "begin with the end in mind" by downloading the final submission checklist that is used when completing the program and using it to chart and record your progress through the TeaCHE program.
Category 1: Teaching Preparation
Successfully complete an approved training course for teaching:
- An approved departmental training course for preparation of Graduate Student Teachers of Record (TORs)
- EDL 6302 - Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Set of curated videos
Category 2: Teacher of Record Training (TORT)
- Successfully complete the Teacher of Record Training.
Category 3: Teaching Documents
- Prepare a statement of teaching philosophy and two different course syllabi.
- Complete a peer review process of all three documents with peer(s) of your choosing.
Category 4: Observations
- Observe a faculty member in a teaching setting.
- Receive observation of your teaching by a faculty member or through the consultation and observation services of the ATL. (Being observed entails a follow-up meeting to discuss your teaching methods, strengths, and areas for improvement.)
Category 5: Self-Directed Study
- Complete self-directed study options totaling a minimum of 50 points from a menu of pre-approved options. The self-directed study activities include such items as participation in Seminars for Excellence in Teaching (SET), writing a synthesis and reflection on student evaluations for graduate student teachers of record, or reading texts from the TeaCHE program's Self-Directed Study Bibliography.