Inspiring a Community of Learning

Baylor University's Academy for Teaching & Learning (ATL) has a two-fold mission: to support and inspire a flourishing community of learning and to promote the integration of teaching, scholarship, collegiality, and service in a Christian environment.

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Grade Inflation: An Ahistorical Narrative

From our own Associate Director Dr. Christopher Richman and former ATL Graduate Fellow, now BU Grad, Dr. Ryan T. Ramsey.

The narrative around grade inflation would benefit from some historical perspective.

Make AI Part of the Assignment

Marc Watkins at the Chronicle of Higher Education

Learning requires friction. Here’s how to get students to disclose and evaluate their own usage of tools like ChatGPT.

How Colleges are Reimagining Learning in an AI World

Beth McMurtrie at the Chronicle of Higher Education

“The conversation for us has been less about how do we radically reimagine things” says Myers, “and more about what are the right places in the curriculum to put touch points so that every student is going to get the chance to build these fundamental AI skills?”

The AI Assessment Scale (AIAS): A Framework for Ethical Integration of Generative AI In Educational Assessment

Mike Perkins, et al., in the Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice (Vol 21, no 6, 2024).

The AI Assessment Scale (AIAS) empowers educators to select the appropriate level of GenAI usage in assessments based on the learning outcomes they seek to address.

Cultural Agility Teaching Tips: Self-Management-Tolerance for Ambiguity

Kat Ringenbach on H-Teach, "H-Net's network for history instruction in the university"

Part one kicking off a nine-part series on practicing cultural agility in the classroom.

6 Ideas to Perk Up Your First Day

Kristi Rudenga at the Chronicle of Higher Education online.

"The first day of class may be the most important hour for determining the success of your semester. In that hour, students form a lasting impression of the course, the subject, the classroom, the teacher, and one another.... Here, I offer a set of six ideas for activities to adapt, mix, and match as you design an inviting first day."

Chronicle Advice Guide: How to Teach a Good First Day of Class

James M. Lang in a Chronicle of Higher Education Advice Guide online.

The first day of the semester sets the tone for everything that follows. Make it count.

"As you devise your plan of attack, these four principles can help you decide which activities and approaches will best draw your students into the course and prepare them to learn."

Teaching: When AI is everywhere, what should instructors do next?

Beth McMurtrie in the Chronicle of Higher Education Teaching newsletter.

Takeaways from the University of Central Florida's second conference on AI: "Teaching and Learning with AI," July 22-24, 2024.