ATL Programs
Active Learning Lab Fellowship
The Active Learning Lab Fellowship is a partnership between University Libraries and the Academy for Teaching and Learning. In 2018, Baylor unveiled the Active Learning Lab (first floor, Moody library), a flexible, technology-enhanced 56-seat learning space whose primary purpose is providing space and resources for instructors using active learning methods.
Baylor Fellows
The Baylor Fellows Program recognizes professors across the disciplinary spectrum who exemplify excellence in teaching. Baylor Fellows are committed to pedagogical innovation, inspirational teaching, and the cultivation of these among Baylor faculty.
Classroom Observations
Also known as Teaching Observations, the ATL offers observation of and feedback on teaching.
Course Makeover Workshop
Are you teaching a new course or returning to a course you haven’t taught in a while? Perhaps your course needs adjustments to incorporate new material or learning objectives. The Course Makeover Workshop is designed to help you build, rebuild, or re-think your course.
Education Research Journal Club
Growing out of the Faculty Interest Groups program, this program offers multiple sections with various topics of emphasis. Participants explore publications related to both scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and discipline-based education research (DBER) to generate discussion and build a community of support for enacting new teaching methods.
Faculty Interest Groups
The ATL’s Faculty Interest Groups (FIG) are faculty learning communities. They are forums for faculty to read common texts and think together about issues shaping higher education today and for the future.
Foundations for Teaching Lab Workshop
Foundations for Teaching Workshop
This free day-long workshop provides graduate student instructors with a basic toolkit for effective teaching, assessment, and course design.
Jump Start Teaching Workshop
This workshop will highlight effective teaching and assessment strategies and is oriented toward adjunct faculty and part-time faculty new to teaching at Baylor who want to brush up in preparation for the Fall semester.
Online Faculty Institute
Provost's Faculty Forum
The Provost’s Faculty Forum is a series of panels held in the Spring semester featuring the Baylor Fellows and the theme of that year's cohort of Baylor Fellows.
Seminars for Excellence in Teaching
Since 2008, the Academy for Teaching and Learning has hosted a series of one-hour Seminars for Excellence in Teaching (SET) to help colleagues meet the historic expectations of excellence in teaching at Baylor. All members of the Baylor community are invited to attend SET in accord with our core commitments to seek learning and apply knowledge and to pursue excellence through continuous improvement.
Summer Ethics Seminar
The Summer Ethics Seminar is designed to cultivate increased ethical literacy across the Baylor campus. Through a partnership between the Academy for Teaching & Learning and the Baylor Ethics Initiative, this 1-week summer seminar invites faculty into an interdisciplinary conversation that illuminates how ethics is already present within and yet might further shape their teaching and research.
Summer Faculty Institute
During the 5-week Summer Faculty Institute participants converse about and explore elements of teaching, research, and collegiality extending from constructing syllabi to managing preparation-time wisely, from enlisting colleagues as critics of our writing to managing writing-time wisely, from serving on departmental committees to taking part in the conversation about what it means to be an R1 Christian University.
Teaching Capstone in Higher Education
The Academy for Teaching & Learning, in collaboration with the Baylor University Graduate School, offers the Teaching Capstone in Higher Education (TeaCHE) for students wishing to teach in higher education upon graduating with a masters or doctoral degree.
University Teaching Development Grants
University Teaching Development Grants, formerly called Faculty Development Grants, are awarded to provide modest financial support for travel expenses and/or fees incurred by faculty to engage in activities that enhance their effectiveness as teachers.
University Teaching Exploration Grants
University Teaching Exploration Grants provide funding to faculty to engage in worthy research projects related to questions of teaching and learning in higher education.