Nadine Welch: Universal Design for Learning

Today, our guest is Nadine Welch, Associate Chair of Residential Academic Programs, Clinical Associate Professor, and Undergraduate Program Director in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Baylor University. Professor Welch researches augmentative communication and language and literacy disorders and teaches a range of courses in speech-language pathology, audiology and technology in communication and sciences and disorders. In the 2022-23 academic year, she was also a double award winner in her teaching. She simultaneously served as Active Learning Lab fellow and a Baylor teaching fellow. We are delighted to have Professor Welch on the show to discuss these fellowship experiences, supporting first generation students, and how the principles of Universal Design undergird nearly all she does.
Guidelines for UDL (from CAST)
James Lang, Small Teaching (Baylor e-Book [requires Baylor login]; Amazon)