Tammy Adair: Research with Undergraduates
Season 2
Episode 7
Today, our guest is Dr. Tammy, Adair, Senior Lecturer in biology and Director of course based undergraduate research in biology, and director of Baylor’s undergraduate research and scholarly achievement program known as URSA. Doctor Adair also teaches course based undergraduate research experience labs, such as the phage lab sponsored by HHMI and the Science Education Alliance. Her undergraduate researcher group, the M&M bears focuses on microbial genomics. We are delighted to have Dr. Adair on the show to discuss active and then experiential learning in STEM education and undergraduate research across the academy.
- Baylor's Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Achievement: www.baylor.edu/ursa
Episode Transcript
Tammy Adair: Research With Undergraduates
(227.9 KB)