Dr. Christopher Richmann
Associate Director

Christopher Richmann, Ph.D., is Associate Director for the Academy for Teaching and Learning and affiliate faculty in the Department of Religion.
In the areas of teaching and learning, Dr. Richmann has special interests in academic authority, learning in community, and how theories of human development influence teaching. He hosts the podcast "Professors talk Pedagogy" and has published research in American Educational History Journal, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Teaching in Higher Education, The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching. Richmann has also published popular pieces on pedagogy for The Scholarly Teacher, Inside Higher Ed, and The Teaching Professor. He is author of Authority, Passion, and Subject-Centered Teaching (Routledge), and along with Lenore Wright, Dr. Richmann edited Called to Teach: Excellence, Commitment, and Community in Christian Higher Education (Pickwick).
As a religion scholar, Dr. Richmann's research focuses on the pentecostal-charismatic tradition and Lutheran popular theology. Dr. Richmann is the author of Living in Bible Times: F.F. Bosworth and the Pentecostal Pursuit of the Supernatural (Pickwick), Called: Recovering Lutheran Principles for Ministry and Vocation (Fortress), and Stretched: A Study for Lent and the Entire Christian Life (New Reformation, forthcoming). His articles have appeared in Wesleyan Theological Journal, Pneuma, Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference, Word & World, and Lutheran Quarterly.
In addition to his duties for the ATL, Dr. Richmann teaches courses in history of Christianity in the Religion Department, world cultures in the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core, and a teaching and learning in higher education graduate seminar in the School of Education.
Outside of academia, Dr. Richmann is an ordained minister, serving St. John Lutheran Church in Gatesville, Texas.